Fill K-12 teacher vacancies & expand course offerings
An always-on solution to connect you with a large pool of virtual and hybrid pre-vetted credentialed teachers nationwide to meet your teacher requirements for nearly any subject. Effectively support academic growth of your students by bringing high-quality teachers into classrooms in a cost-effective and timely manner.
Bring expert teachers into your classrooms at your budget
Solve teacher shortage for your
In-person and virtual schools:
Fill your teacher positions promptly and swiftly
Meet requirements for qualified teachers at scale
Gain time back in your day to focus on your core tasks
Retain virtual teachers year after year
See the results in your students’ growth
Leave the logistics to Whizara
Live Virtual Special Education Teachers
Alleviate caseloads and accommodate the instructional needs of students with IEPs in small group or 1:1 settings:
Resource teachers accommodate learning needs of students pulled out from their Gen Ed classrooms
Adaptive curriculum certified teachers teach core and elective classes with the accommodations
* Live online speech language pathologists assess and
treat language or speech delay or disorder